Exhibition information
Exciting news!
I am part of Nordværk Galleri and studio in Copenhagen on Frederiksberg, where a selection of my images are on view. For further information https://www.nordvaerk.com/
Jeg deltager i den årlige BKF sommerudstilling i Nordsjælland. Mine værker hænger på Hillerød bibliotek - Vandrerhallen. https://hilbib.dk/
66 nordsjællandske kunstnere tilknyttet billedkunstnerens
forbund udstiller samtidigt i Vandrehallen på
Hillerød bibliotek i kunsthallen og kunsthuset Annaborg
Udstilling åben fra 21.marts til 28.april
I am participating in the annual BKF Summer exhibition group show in North Zealand. My work can be viewed at Hillerød library - Vandrerhallen. 66 North Zealand artists associated with the Visual Artist's association exhibits together in Vandrehallen at Hillerød library and in the art gallery Annaborg.
The exhibition is open from 21 March to 28 April. Welcome!
Reflections and Shadows - a duo-exhibition by the artists Christina Reenberg Jensen og Michael Wurstbauer
Welcome to the opening on Thursday 15.06.23 from 4-6pm at Hotel SP34, Sankt Peders Stræde 34, 1453 Copenhagen, https://www.brochner-hotels.com/hotel-sp34/
The exhibition Reflections and Shadows is held in and presented by hotel SP34 in Kbh K and can be experienced in the lounge and bar area as well as in the conference room. Wine will be served and the artists will be present at the vernisage. The exhibition is open from June until September 2023 and follows the opening hours of the hotel reception. Enjoy!
Christina: Objects, which once served a practical purpose as tantalising yet disposable candy wrappers become her working material. A careful and precise photographic set-up allow her to depict the inherent beauty of glittering cellophane and invite the viewer to dream themselves into a playful and abstract landscape.
MichaeI works with the medium photography yet mostly without the use of cameras. His work is based on the interaction of light and light-sensitive paper; photographic paper-works, which can be described as photograms. https://www.wurstbauer.com/
Solo Exhibition Dynamik at Bruuns hjørne
Gammeltorv 2a, 4230 Skælskør, https://www.xn--bruunshjrne-ngb.dk/index.asphttps://www.xn--bruunshjrne-ngb.dk/index.asp
Opening times,
Tors. kl 11 - 17, fre. kl. 11 - 17, lør. kl. 10 - 13 until 30.May 2023
Various sensations from lived life materialises on the 1 sqm glass sheet set up in my studio space. The glass sheet is placed between a background and my camera. For this project I’m using consumer wrapping materials, more specifically, transparent and opaque candy paper in different colours. I work with the tactile surface of coloured cellophane, which never returns to its original shape no matter how much it is smoothened out. The flashs’ light reflects on the crumbled surface of the candy paper, which in turn takes on a sculptural quality. Small microcosms are created with familiar forms such as suns, moon, ships and mountains, so that you can get the impression that they are in the middle of a dance. The colour mixing which occurs as a result of partly overlaying different coloured cellophane pieces is also influenced by the coloured background on which they are placed. However, there is a limitation in the material itself, in contrast to the painter’s pigments, where the nuances seem to be infinite.These limitation and working with used materials excites my imagination. It is through the illusory “exact and true-to-life” photographic medium that I seek the poetic element in the obsolete.